bestimmt belcanto – the Association

Our mission: art and culture for everyone

The transformative power of art and culture lies in their ability to unite people on an emotional and intellectual level. As the heartbeat of our society, these creative forms of expression act as a unifying element that enables diversity and enrichment. 

The association bestimmt belcanto has dedicated itself with passion and conviction to an important mission: To make art and culture accessible to all and an integral part of social life. The transformative power of art to unite people emotionally and intellectually is at the centre of this initiative. A particular focus of the organisation is the promotion of talent in various artistic disciplines as well as the artistic development and inclusion of people with neurodivergent characteristics (autism, Asperger’s syndrome and similar spectrums) in the artistic community. The vision is to help artists realise their dreams and establish themselves in the complex world of art. The organisation offers an ideal platform for beginners and advanced artists to develop their extraordinary potential and pursue their passion for art. Through targeted support and encouragement, bestimmt belcanto helps members to develop their artistic talent, progress and advance their careers.

The mission also extends to establishing art and culture as an essential part of social life. We believe that this not only strengthens the social fabric, but also promotes dialogue and is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for personal growth and social cohesion. bestimmt belcanto sees art not just as entertainment, but as an essential part of identity. Through a wide range of services and support, the organisation provides a platform for artists from various fields to develop their talent and make their work accessible to a wide audience. Initiated events are open to all, regardless of age or background.

The association is committed to the integrative power of art and culture to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate. Programmes are designed to bring people from different walks of life together, to encourage creative exchange with a common language, to connect people from different backgrounds. We are proud to contribute to the promotion of community and cohesion. The vision is to firmly anchor art and culture in society and make it accessible to all.

Mission: Promotion and development

bestimmt belcanto’s mission is to provide valuable support to young and young-at-heart artists from all disciplines (music, visual arts, dance, etc.). One focus is on the promotion and development of neurodivergent children and young people – for example those on the autism spectrum or with Asperger’s syndrome. Please feel free to contact us for further information on this topic.

Supporting neurodivergent children and young people in art and culture: A journey of discovery and development

Supporting children and young people in the areas of music, art, education and their creative expression is of crucial importance for their individual development. This not only applies to the general development process, self-esteem and finding their own place in the world, but is also particularly important for neurodivergent children and young people on the autism spectrum, Asperger’s syndrome and similar spectrum disorders.

Art, whether through music, painting, singing or sculpture, allows children and young people to find their unique voices and express who they are. It fosters creativity, builds self-confidence and helps them express their emotions in a healthy way. This is especially important in a world that often relies on standardised forms of communication. For neurodivergent children and young people, encouraging art and creativity can have a transformative effect. Art can serve as a bridge to make connections, develop communication skills and regulate emotions. Through expression in different art forms, they can discover their individual strengths and find a space where they feel accepted and understood. The cultural association bestimmt belcanto has set itself the goal of enabling precisely this transformative journey for children and young people on the autism spectrum. The stage of bestimmt belcanto becomes a space of inclusion where every child and young person, regardless of their background, finds room to develop.

Insgesamt unterstreicht die Förderung von Kunst und Kreativität bei Kindern und Jugendlichen nicht nur ihre individuellen Talente, sondern trägt auch zur Schaffung einer inklusiven Gesellschaft bei, in der Vielfalt geschätzt wird. bestimmt belcanto spielt dabei eine entscheidende Rolle, indem der Verein einen Raum schafft, in dem alle Kinder und Jugendlichen ihre künstlerische Stimme finden können, unabhängig von ihrer Position im Spektrum. Wir bieten nicht nur eine Plattform für künstlerischen Ausdruck, sondern auch gezielte Unterstützung und Mentoring. Durch Musik, Kunst und kreativen Ausdruck sollen nicht nur Talente entwickelt, sondern auch persönliche Stärken betont und gefördert werden. Die Gemeinschaft und das Umfeld des Kulturvereins bieten eine unterstützende Struktur, in der Kinder und Jugendliche im Autismus-Spektrum ihre Fähigkeiten entfalten können. Hier erfahren sie nicht nur künstlerische Förderung, sondern auch die Wertschätzung ihrer Einzigartigkeit.

Dealing with neurodivergent children and young people requires special sensitivity and expertise. The bestimmt belcanto association is dedicated to supporting and promoting this target group with great dedication and expertise. In close cooperation with experienced psychologists and specialist carers, the association develops special programmes and offers that are tailored to the individual needs of neurodivergent children and young people. The focus is not only on artistic development, but also on the holistic development and strengthening of their abilities. Through targeted support and professional supervision, the organisation ensures a supportive environment in which neurodivergent children and young people can develop. This also includes adapting working methods and forms of communication to meet the needs of this special target group. bestimmt belcanto attaches great importance to ensuring that all children and young people, regardless of their individual circumstances, feel comfortable and accepted in an inclusive and supportive environment.

The team behind bestimmt belcanto


Initiator and chairwoman of bestimmt belcanto
Among other things, Sophie is responsible for project management, talent scouting and managing sponsor contacts. The trained singer (lyric soprano, colouratura soprano), actress and performer likes to move between worlds: from classical music to jazz, pop and musicals. Access to art and culture enables people to broaden their perspectives and discover new horizons. bestimmt belcanto is committed to making these opportunities accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds by offering diverse programmes and events. Sophie explains her motivations and the mission of bestimmt belcanto in the interview.


Advisory Board

Aura Twarowska, an outstanding mezzo-soprano and a permanent fixture as an advisor and singing teacher at bestimmt belcanto. Her impressive musical career, characterised by numerous awards and prizes, is reflected in her versatility and commitment. Aura Twarowska is not only an artist, but also a committed personality who is actively involved in promoting the arts and regional culture. Her contribution to bestimmt belcanto enriches the community and sends a strong signal in favour of diversity and excellence in the world of music. Aura Twarowska’s musical journey began at the age of six in her hometown of Lugoj. Her education included piano, mandolin and singing lessons.

After studying at the University of Timișoara, where she joined the choir of the Banatul Timisoara Philharmonic Orchestra, she went on to study singing at the newly founded Faculty of Music at the University of Timișoara. She completed a master’s degree in opera at the Music University of Bucharest, where she was awarded the title „Doctor of Music“ in 2010. Her doctorate was dedicated to the exciting topic of „A vision of music theatre structures from a management perspective“. Since October 2010, she has been a university lecturer at the University of Music in Timisoara, where she passes on her extensive knowledge and passion for music to the next generation.


Advisory Board

Reinhard Auer, born in Linz, is a renowned theatre maker and member of the advisory board of bestimmt belcanto. His extensive career is reflected in his versatile work as a director and founder of several theatre groups. Reinhard Auer studied philosophy, history, sociology and theatre studies in Graz, Zagreb and Vienna. He founded the Spittelberg Theatre and directed the Jura Soyfer Theatre in Vienna. He has been working as a freelance theatre director since 1993 and has directed in cities such as Vienna, Leipzig, Cottbus, Hanover, Bratislava, Shanghai, Magdeburg, Timisoara and Poti (Georgia). He is a permanent director at the Bolzano Free Theatre.

Reinhard Auer is not only at home in the theatre, but is also intensively involved in literature and the visual arts. His love of travelling and his interest in „foreign“ people, countries and cultures characterise his artistic personality, and Reinhard Auer was awarded the Golden Medal of Merit of the Province of Vienna. This was awarded to him above all for his achievements as founder of the Theater am Spittelberg and the Jura-Soyfer-Theatre. Auer was honoured as a „particularly meritorious theatre maker“ who brought the memory of the writer Jura Soyfer, who died of Typhus in concentration camp Buchenwald in 1939, back into people’s consciousness.